Introduction to Satyaviratam and Kathakalatsepam
About 6 kms away from river Ganga, there was a village named “Satyaviratam”. In this place, the Kathakalatsepam (explanation on the Divinity and stories related to Him) is held every evening. Many people will listen to this story describing the grace of God.
Punnyadama’s Devotion
Punnyadama was one of them, an ardent devotee & he used to wait till the evening and to the place where the Kathakalatsepam is told; At all other times, he spent his time serving food and welcoming the devotees who came to bathe in the Ganges.
The Arrival of the Pilgrims
Many years passed like this. One day two pilgrims from far away came and stayed at Punnyadama’s house. While welcoming them and serving them food, he was asked, ‘How far is the Ganga from here?’ asked the pilgrims.
‘I don’t know all those. Not even once, I have bathed in the Ganga. But have heard others saying that it’s nearby only,’ said Punnyadama.
The Pilgrims’ Misjudgment
Hearing that, the two pilgrims said, ‘There is no sinner like him. He is very close to Ganga and says he has never taken bath in the Ganges. “It is a sin that we stay in such a person’s house…” and they got up and left with their hands folded thinking that the sin of staying in this sinner’s house should be washed away by taking a bath in the Ganges.
The Pilgrims’ Realization
The two pilgrims who came close to Ganga were shocked to see that there was not even a drop of Ganga water found;
“Mother Goddess Ganga, we have done something wrong. Forgive us and bless us, Mother!” cried the pilgrims.
Goddess Ganga replied back to them “You have upset the mind of that noble soul by insulting him. I myself am waiting to see him and the foot drop of that noble soul does not fall on me.”
Punnyadama’s Forgiveness and the Pilgrims’ Redemption
Both the pilgrims realized their mistake and went to Punnyadama and fell at his feet and begged for forgiveness. Punnyadama also forgave them and made them listen to the Kathakalatsepam for two years.
The Reunion with Ganga
After that, the three of them went to see the Ganga, which was running smoothly. All three took a bath.
Conclusion: The Glory of Ganga and the Importance of Kindness
This story took place at the end of the Krita Yuga. This is one of the many stories that tell the glory of Ganga that no matter how knowledgeable and talented, one should not throw harsh words that hurt others.